Pricing Calculator

Use our Pricing Calculator to find the seller plan and cost structure that works best for your retail business. Learn more about Selling on HellaBlack.

How many items (SKUs) will you list on HellaBlack per Month? 
Item Listing Fee (per month)

Learn more about our Vendor Plans

Sales Commission

10% commission on only items that sell. Learn how HB Gives Back

Item Price

The item price you charge the customer

Shipping Charge

The shipping cost you charge your customer

Item Cost

Your manufacturer's cost

Shipping Cost

Your cost for shipping

Payment Method

PayPal or Stripe transaction fees. Subject to change.

Sales Tax

Sales tax is based on shipping destination




Sales Tax$0.00 
Fees for HB$0.00 
Fees for Payment$0.00 
Cost of Goods Sold (Including Fees)$0.00 
Gross Profit$0.00 
Profit Margin0.00% 
You get$0.00

Applied directly to your account